Thursday, January 7, 2010


Its a new year and its time to move on to the next part of my graduation project. Over the break I came up with a couple more interview questions and I'm talking to my source at Planned Parenthood now about my action plan... written wise, I need to finish my outline, other than that I am up to par. I also have my source looking for a good interview.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today is a good day, i have a meeting with Ms.Savido and i also got an email from my Planned Parenthood rep. and she wants to know when i can begin to come down to eh office and beign my interview with the staff. This is very important becouse I will be interviewing different people from differeint departments, from advertising to the clinical staff. Iam expecting alot of information.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Did you knows

· Planned Parenthood commits more abortions than any other single entity in the United States
· Planned Parenthood opposes proposed laws that would protect human beings who live in the womb, including bans on late-term abortions, those committed for "birth control" or "convenience," and those executed for the purpose of sex selection
· Planned Parenthood is the world's largest birth control enterprise and the most vocal proponent of legal abortion

Planned Parenthood has nearly 107 affiliates and 860 "health centers" in every state and Washington, D.C. Affiliates must maintain an active lobbying unit.
· Planned Parenthoods that are not yet committing surgical abortions onsite must refer to abortionists elsewhere.
· The first Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger in Brooklyn, New York
· Planned Parenthood as a budget of about $1 billion dollars every year
Planned Parenthood has been accused by pro-life organizations of agreeing not to report cases of statutory rape

· more than three million women, men, and teens served in our affiliate health centers nationwide every year
• more than 1.2 million teens and adults who receive medically accurate sex education from our affiliates each year
• nearly a million women, men, and teens in other countries whose reproductive health needs are met through our international programs annually
• more than 15 million people around the world who turn to our websites every year for Planned Parenthood services, information, and opportunities for involvement
• more than four million supporters, activists, and donors who heed our call to take a stand on behalf of reproductive health and freedom each year

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Looking good people...

These past couple of days (since my last post), my project has really began to take off and become a reality.The planned parenthood representative and myself have stayed in contact and really came up with a lot of great ideas. For now I am simply researching and gathering the background information that I need to do this project. I'm starting to get a real grasp on what exactly Planned Parenthood is about and what they offer. Hopefully, soon I will be returning back to the building to get a more "personal" connection with the workers there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Away from it all...

Its been a little under a week since I've made a post and I am proud to say that I am back in action. These past couople of days I've been researching... looking at the background story of Planned Parenthood and I found alot of good information.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here are a couple of websites that i found helpful to me. No matter who is reading the blog... dont be afraid to click on one and gather some information for personal use.

Sweet Victory...

Yesterday I took my idea about Planned Parenthood to work. I had a meeting with an old friend who works there and together we came up with some amazing ideas. From volunteer work to actually being in the clinic, im really excited that I now have not only a topic but a very good starting point.

When I went down there for my meeting, she gave me a tour of the building where I would be doing my volunteer work and she introduced me to everyone in the building. This meeting really put me at ease with my topic choice.